Spiral movement is reflected in the universe and spirals are everywhere in nature, including our bodies. It is nature’s most favorited pattern of growth because of it’s efficacious deployed energy. Spiral pattern has manifested itself in art and philosophy from the oldest times. This long-standing wisdom proves that humankind has always sought a dialogue with the forces of creation and the underlying reality of nature.
STTC reconnects us to the cosmic spiral. Through awakening of body and mind, we become more aware; we then find more freedom in our own body and movement. Dr. Yang Ding-yi once said, when practicing spiral dance, there should be no interference, no comparison, no desire, no anticipation. We follow only the cosmic law - SPIRAL. Enjoy the conversation with each of your cells and every part of your body. Only when we pay attention to the moves, we find “still” in the “move”. This is how we reconnect with life and accept the whole of us. The universe exists within us, as much as we exist in the universe.
螺旋是宇宙萬物自身運行的軌跡,是大自然(包括我們身體)最喜歡的生長模式,因為螺旋路徑是最有效、最有力量的。 從最古老的時代開始,螺旋圖案就出現在藝術和哲學中。 這種源遠流長的古老智慧證明了人類一直都察覺到自然的無窮的創造力,同時亦被這虛空但又無處不在的宇宙力量強烈吸引著。
聿廷 @move_on_the_still