In this dualistic dimension, balance arises from the tension between opposing forces. We unconsciously navigate within frameworks and constraints in our physical, mental, and emotional lives. These constraints form knots and painful memories within us. We seek escape, building walls that both protect and limit us. But we become stagnant, unable to move when faced with life's challenges.
Life is like the ocean, and we are the waves—fluid, adaptable, beautiful and infinite. DISSOLVE IN THE WAVE dissolves the boundaries of opposition, freeing our thoughts and returning them to their lively essence. Let go of fixed patterns and rigid thinking. Embody the fluidity of water, become waves, and find balance. Each thought is a droplet, brimming with possibilities. Life's meaning lies in connecting these points, redefining and establishing new rules, like music, cooking, gaming, dancing, and dreaming.
DISSOLVE IN THE WAVE,我們把二元對立的端點線溶解,把框框的周邊也解放,把「線」變回「點」,釋放每個念頭,讓每個念頭都變回活潑的元素。放下固定的模式、先入為主的觀念和僵化的思維,通過具備水的元素和本質,我們變回水,變回浪,便可以應對挑戰,找到平衡與和諧。每個點、每個念頭,就像海洋裡的水滴,充滿可能性,生命的意義在於能夠有意識地、自由地,把點與點重新以自己選擇的方式連結,重新定義生命,訂立新的遊戲規則,像音樂、像烹飪、像打電動、像跳舞,也像造夢。